
Do This Before Picking Your Social Media Handle

There are several social media platforms available for the business professional or small business owner. Efficient use of these platforms will mean the difference between success or failure. Social media is a great opportunity to provide information in a timely manner to friends, family, business associates, and specific target groups about your brand. A myriad of methods such as ads, social media events, likes, shares, retweeting, and sustained interaction with your followers will promote your brand in the most effective way.

FYNE Blog Explains Why You Should Do This Before Picking Your Social Media Handle

Four things to do before you pick your social media handle:

  1. Pick a name that will reflect your business and keep it simple. Choose a name that is people-friendly and not offensive. You can use your personal name or business brand but use something that will display a positive image. Remember, your brand is a promise to your consumer.
  2. There are several social media sites that you can use for your personal profile and handle. Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and a blog site are excellent sources for building your personal brand. As an example, on Facebook, you can have a profile and a page. If the page is where you are going to promote your business, then this is where your handle will perform the best.
  3. Consistency through all your chosen platforms will prevent confusion about your brand. Once your handle is established, then that is how you will be known. Any URL associated with your name will be difficult to change in the future. If you are unable to use the same handle on all your chosen media, then work on brand consistency.
  4. Promote social networking. Familiarize yourself with each social media platform that you intend to use, since each one has specific strengths. Optimize their strengths to promote your brand. For instance, visual content is more likely to get shared on certain platforms than others. Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat rely heavily on visuals and would be the best choices.

Most importantly, match your domain name to your social media name. Search engines like to see domains coordinated with external profiles. In doing this, you will commonly receive a boost to your web site ranking. This is also a key strategy, since the words used in the handle and the domain name make it easier for the consumer to find you.

We are here to help.

If you need help in choosing the perfect social media handle, please let us know. A social media review is part of your free FYNE Strategy Session. Sometimes it just takes a fresh set of eyes to bring about great ideas.

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