Top TLDs

The Top 10 New gTLDs Sold in 2017 to Date

The numbers are in for the best-selling new domain extensions so far in 2017. Sales data of these new gTLDs is compiled from a variety of public records. However, the more established .COM, .NET, .ORG, .BIZ, and .INFO are excluded.

FYNE - Top 10 New gTLDs Sold in 2017 to Date

Data Compilation Sources*

  • IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)
  • Trademark Clearing House
  • Centralized Zone Data Service (CZDS)
  • Registrars
  • Registries
  • Root Zone itself

Top 10 New gTLDs, Through February 2017 (Rank, TLD, year introduced, description)

1. .XYZ – (2014) Its popularity is often attributed to Google’s usage of for its new corporate website, which began in 2015.**

2. .TOP – (2014) Introduced as a community-based TLD, one of the new gTLDs created as a part of ICANN’s top-level domain initiative. In order to qualify, ICANN’s guidebook requires such a TLD to be operated “for the benefit of a defined community consisting of a restricted population.”

3. .LOAN – (2015) Used for banks and lenders.

4. .WIN – (2015) Used for “online gaming resources and services.” Managed by Famous Four Media.

5. .WANG – (2014) In a Chinese Mandarin pinyin rendering of 网, “Wǎng” refers to ‘web’ or ‘portal’.

6. .CLUB – (2014) According to The Domains, “tens of thousands of clubs, business and individuals are actively using a .club address for their web presence.” For example, Rotary Clubs, school clubs, sports teams and sports figures. Additionally, innovative entrepreneurs and startups, associations, brands, celebrities, and passionate bloggers.**

7. .SITE – (2015) Used for general purpose.

8. .ONLINE – (2015) Used for general purpose.

9. .BID – (2014) Used for auctions.

10. .VIP – (2016) A TLD whose creation was uncontested. Managed by Minds + Machines Group Limited.

* The 1-10 rankings come from data first published by Some TLD descriptions originally from Wikipedia.

** Denotes TLD available to register at FYNE: The Place for Domains.

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